Notice: Anti-Freedom of Speech

free speech

We Stand For Free Speech

As a platform that sometimes holds views that is unlikely to suit those of the secular world.

It has come to our knowledge that there is an agenda out there to suppress knowledge or information that goes against the usual worldly narratives. And those that regulate the social media space including the search engines seem to be part of this war to suppress information that goes against or those not suites the narratives, belief or lifestyle of settings persons or group.

This is anti-knowledge; it is generous, and it is not good for a world that wants improvement in knowledge. Everyone should be given equal right to express their opinion. This is called, freedom of speech. We don’t have to agree with everyone’s opinion. However, we should not suppress information because it does not suit our narratives.

The disturbing trend of Consistent Fake News

tb joshua fake news

Fake News Logo

What a world of propaganda and deceitful media, where things seem to be fallen apart and where half truth mixed with lies has taken over the media conglomerate? The adage “The pen is mightier than the sword” has been used to convey truth even in the face of deceitful might and tyranny. But it seems this adage is no longer the watchword of modern journalism due to the lies and deceit now spread by them. Is there still news worth believing? Where are those journalists and news media that still keep to the ethics of their profession?

Some journalists now sell their pens to the highest bidder, thereby overlooking the ethics of their profession. They are willing to poison the will of truth, spread lies across the social media for the sake of money and to those they hold allegiance to.

In recent times, many public figures have come out to speak about the alarming global rate of fake news and warned about the detrimental effects it has on the society. Consequently, this seemingly unpleasant global scenario has uncontrollably eaten deep into the fabrics of modern Journalism. The truth is that the big-shots in the media industries are those that are really involved in this sheer condemning and reprimanding act, thus disregarding the intended consequences on the entire populace.

Who are those benefiting from this fake news? What can be done by the world governing body and the officials of social media like Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, Google and others in regulating and minimising the spread of fake news? Those of good conscience have to take adequate measure to arrest and sanitise this ugly phenomenon before it gets out of hand; they have to save and restore the lost glory of the media and help their reputation.

The bad eggs in the media profession have allowed their personal interests to ruin the profession that supposed to be the pinnacle of truth and enlightenment. The truth is that many are now in doubt of a number of news published by the media; people are now sceptical of what comes out of these world media conglomerate…READ MORE


SCOAN Building Collapse and T.B. Joshua’s Enduring Global Profile

Who is TB JoshuaWhat remains unusual since the SCOAN Collapse building incident is the way the Ministry has been handling the crisis and the disposition of Prophet T.B Joshua towards the issue. We cannot remember when last T.B. Joshua raised any concern in the SCOAN live Sunday service about the building collapse incident. The level of calmness and confidence the prophet has shown is the strongest message so far to the world and those behind the building collapsed that the truth will surely prevail.

They said an honest man has nothing to fear. Prophet T.B. Joshua has proven his honesty as far as the SCOAN building Collapse issue is concerned. The Prophet has shown to the world that he has nothing to fear because his Ministry is the victim and the truth will definitely be unveiled. The SCOAN never allowed Coronal Oyetade Komolafe’s one-sided verdict that was later declared illegal by a competent court of jurisdiction and fake news by the press to affect their focus instead, SCOAN has been making good use of the situation to boost the Ministry profile by confirming the indisputable truth in the heart of the independent minds that indeed Prophet T.B. Joshua is a true Prophet of God that has been assigned to expose and stand against the evil in our world. The powerful evil forces are coming after his life and Ministry because the Prophet is watching over the world and exposing the evil-doers amongst men.

It is no longer a hidden truth that powerful elements in authorities has been working tirelessly to cover the SCOAN attack and has shown they are adamant to the truth, despite the uncut evidence that points to sabotage. The facts remain that no matter the high level of conspiracies by the powers that be, everything will work together for the good of the Church and the Gospel of Christ must be preached all over the world with Power. The handwriting is there on the wall just waiting for the manifestation.

Sometimes God allows evildoers to have their way so we can appreciate the good amongst us. Those with a pure spirit and true Christians that are led by the biblical principle of LOVE knows what Prophet T.B. Joshua and the SCOAN are going through right now from the world and its established institutions are scriptural. True Messengers of God with the world redemption mission are always victims of injustice from the powers that be. The same people that falsely accused Christ Jesus influenced His sentenced as well as killed Him. So why should any believer be moved by the same worldly institution that succeeded in attacking the church, accused the body of Christ of wrongdoing and at the same time want to influence the sentence against the victims of oppression, because the grace of God upon the life and Ministry of the Prophet is beyond their reach and comprehension…READ MORE


Darkness Taking over the Earth

Darkness over the Face of the Earth

Take Heed the Pure in Spirit!!! Darkness is on the face of the earth, evil is everywhere around us, demons are moving freely in the Streets seeking for those to afflict and possess. Be overwhelmed not by the riches and glories in the world, for it is delusional and sheer vanity. The occultic world is true; its members are out there, amongst the sons of men, promoting the enterprise of darkness against the Purest Light of Truth, Holiness and Righteousness. Is it the so called Illuminati or Freemasons, Ogboni or other evil cults that mostly operate from the underworld? These groups remain the greatest threat to God’s creations and every living soul on earth need to be mindful of this disastrous threat to humanity.

Be confined not by popular traditions and beliefs, for this exposure may sound ridiculous to some, know this! Our individual beliefs or popular opinions changes not that which is the truth. Only pray to be guided by a Pure Spirit – The Spirit of Truth and Discernment. For the scripture said, “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.” – Ecclesiastes 1:9. Dark powers, sorcery, black magic, occultic and satanic kingdoms had been in existence as old as the earth. Modern Civilisation never stopped them, the instruments of modernisation (technology) has even helped them to expand their operations and world influence. To the doubting Thomas out there, be informed.

These agents of darkness are using diverse means to control the spiritually dour and the dark lords appointed by Lucifer are using their influence and control over the world’s institutions to fight against those that are carriers of the mark of Grace. The proud lord of darkness (the devil) has not yet revealed himself to the world because he clearly knows that the seeds of mankind hates him, therefore he upholds those in high places under his contractual oath to command his government on humanity.

Sign and symbol of Darkness

Sign and symbol of Darkness

For the quest for power, desperation for wealth, fame and influence has subjected the earth to the rulership of the proud dark lord; for several world personalities, public figures and leaders are the objects of his influence. The signs are all over and this may not be quite different from what we have heard, but be strong in the Lord; for even with their technological might and worldly influence, they have no power over the children of Light, because spiritually we are far greater than them.

Brethren, we have to always be spiritually alert and be sensitive to the things of the spirit; for the kingdom of darkness is waging strong battles against the kingdom of Light and this spiritual battle against the household of God, is being fought in diverse forts. Always remember to pray for the unity of the Church. And never be tempted to compromise with darkness, for Light and darkness have nothing in common. This is why the forces of darkness are fighting relentlessly to destroy and discredit the ministry of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) of Prophet T.B. Joshua, because the Prophet has chosen to expose and humiliate these agents of darkness for what they represent and has continued to render their enterprise useless against those that have chosen to submit themselves under the authority of God.

To the Children of Light, be troubled not by their threats, for they have no power over the soul, nor be misled by their worldly promises, for its all vanity; given that our heavenly rewards are splendours. For they may have all the natural weapons of sort and the means to inflict pains and death, but relent not and be strong in the Lord, “For the weapons of our warfare are not canal, but they are mighty through God in the pulling down of strong holds.”– 2 Corinthians 10-40.

There are rebels amongst us, never be tempted to give heed to them that have been compromised and are altering the scripture for worldly acceptance and gain. For they slander their fellow Men, promote disunity among the Household of God and reduce the scripture to a mere philosophy of public debate. For it is written, their place would be taken over by another and in times to come, they would be abandoned to perish and bear the shame of their rebellious acts against the household of God.

The Synagogue was attacked and Martyrs were sent to the kingdom of eternal peace, those who have been assigned to uncover it, are under the wrong influence, for evidence no longer makes sense. The media has been compromised to spread that which they want the public to hear. For the proud lord of darkness, who with his instruments of influence has taken over the independent minds of the people and spiritually blindfolded them to see the great injuries the occult world has done to the brethren that are carriers of the Light of Grace.

Nicholas Ibekwe the confirmed Face of the dark gang

Nicholas Ibekwe the confirmed Face of the dark gang

For many agents of the likes of Nicholas Ibekwe (The confirmed Face of the dark gang- take a closer look of the Skull and Bones in his T-shirt) are alive in the media waiting to spread lies, divert attention, cook unfounded allegations and spread sentiments, connived to glorify the judgment by their own, mandated by their dark lords to condemn the victims of oppression because they were favoured by the Most High God to stand shoulder high above the kingdom of darkness and rendered their evil venture useless. Alas! The innocent would surfer, bleed in pains, live in the misery of their agony and be confined in prison cell, but take note, they cannot be destroyed for this is not unto death, but a living testament to the present and coming generational Churches that the Scripture is alive forever and ever Amen!

Many today wish they could join the so called Illuminati or any powerful occultic group, believing it would fetch them more fame and influence. The truth is that, the devil cannot make one great. For those great stars and the talented out there; were none of the devil’s making. The devil only use his instrument of influence to promote them that are under his contractual oath to the world as bait, but in reality these stars were already destined by God to be great; for right from their mother’s womb, they were marked for greatness. Therefore, despise not the gifted and the stars among them, for many were by ignorant and lack of insecurity fell as a prey for the devil, but pray they discover in soonest, their real purpose on earth; for many were destined to raise the dead, heal the sick and bring hope to the hopeless with their songs and gifts, but were misled by the crafty Lucifer, to use their gifts for the wrong purpose.

The devil knew he cannot endow anyone with a bright star; hence, he uses deceptive strategies and afflictions to trouble those with the promised mark among us, for he knows them great right from their birth. Therefore he causes them to go through challenges, disappointments and all manner of sad events, in other to lure these stars to his kingdom. So he can use their God’s given talents, to promote his evil mission here on earth. When they are initiated into these occultic kingdoms in the cause of attracting riches and fame, they are meant to think their sorrow is over and there is no cause for regret, quite unknown to them that spiritually, they have sold their souls to the devil and that those dark lords who initiated them into the occult, were actually the unseen hands behind those sadness and limitations that made them seems frustrated and been attracted prior to when they were won or deceived into the dark kingdom.

To the Pure in heart…, be deceived not! Their greatness has nothing to do with the contractual oath they took or the initiation and the rituals. The oath is to effect loyalty; the initiation is for darkness (demons or evil spirits) to have easy access to their spirit man and while the rituals are done regularly to renew their commitment to the cause of darkness and all these qualifies their membership. For if they had allow themselves to be guided by the True Spirit of Predestination and were patient enough not to join any occult like group, their destiny would still have been manifested here on earth, but with a consistent opposition from the dark kingdoms, just as they are against the SCOAN and the Prophet. Therefore, the great stars that fell for their bait is due to sheer ignorant and insecurity, for they were already predestined for greatness right from their mother’s womb.

Sign and symbol of Darkness

Sign and symbol of Darkness

Be careful with some activities that goes on in the internet, the occult worlds are using this means to confine and control the minds and senses of the people that, they can’t reason outside the box. Likewise, be careful with some kind of popular songs, their lyrics and sounds are inspired from the pit of hell, designed to influence darkness in us and make us crave for fleshly desires (iniquities and immoralities). Hence, abhorring and losing interest in those things that edifies our relationship with God. Indulge in listening to awesome inspirational songs that inspire the soul positively and help us build a strong relationship with our Heavenly Father.

Be wise as serpent (Mathew 10-16) and be independent minded (Romans 12:2), avoid those workers of iniquities out there and never fall for their charming and deceitful lips. For by their gifts and talents they write interesting sentences and phrases in the pages of news paper and online media platform to bring confusion and unnecessary argument among brethren. For they slander Men of God and want us to believe our Christian Faith is the world problem. They are good in fabricating malicious lies and use derogatory statement against the Household of God. They come out-loud to ridicule men of God and fellow ministerial brethren who are face with misfortunes. They want the people out there to believe the healing power of God through Men of God are not genuine and the deliverance they claimed are stage-managed.

They are quick to say – “We are in a civilised world…! We don’t need all these religious barbarism that take us to the Stone Age…! The Church is the reason Africa is underdeveloped…! Religion is the world problem…and blabs!” Be move not by their shallow talks, for it’s as a result of their confined brainwashed and the wrong influence they are under; for they lack understanding of spiritual things.

Has the so called modernity or civilisation bring to stop the spread of evil, wickedness, hate and malice? Did the Holy Bible tell us modern civilisation will stop the government of darkness, end deliverance and the healing power of God? For there had been and would always be, a constant battle between the kingdom of Light and darkness, for darkness leads to destruction while, light lead us to redemption. Let us embrace this Light of Truth before us, for there to be an opening of our eyes to see where the world is heading towards…READ MORE

SCOAN: Lagos State Commissioner Contradicts Self

wpid-20140917205355.jpgContradictory statements from the Lagos State Government witness at the resumed hearing of the trial of the contractors who handled the construction of the collapsed building belonging to The Synagogue, Church of All Nations (SCOAN) marred events on Wednesday 22nd June 2016.

Consultant Urban Planner and former Commissioner, Lagos State Ministry of Physical Planning and Urban Development, Mr Toyin Adedamola Ayinde told the court that the CCTV footage showing the sequence of the collapse had been sent to the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) for analysis.

However, after admitting that he received a response from the aviation agency, he failed to state categorically its contents, leading several onlookers to suggest he was deliberately covering such information on the premise that it failed to corroborate with his own narrative.

The presiding judge, Justice Lawal Akapo, tried severally to have the witness state the contents of the response without any success, casting further aspersions on the integrity of his witness.

Ayinde continued by making contradictory statements concerning the distance of the aircraft that hovered over the building and the building itself.

Moreso, having told the court on Tuesday June 21, 2016 that he had observed an aircraft hovering over the building in the CCTV footage, the former commissioner told the court today that the aircraft did not directly fly over the building.

As the witness struggled to make articulate and categorical statements, Justice Lawal Akapo expressed his concerns, observing that due to the technicalities involved, it would be difficult to understand the witness who, rather than help the court in establishing facts, seemed to be confusing it the more.

All efforts by the prosecution counsel led by the Lagos DPP, Idowu Alakija to stampede the court into believing that the aircraft couldn’t have been responsible for the collapse of the building were vehemently rejected by the defense counsel.

E.L Akpofure, SAN had earlier raised an objection to that effect to which Justice Akapo concurred. The hearing is set to resume on Monday, June 27, 2016.

Nosa Osazuwa ( Email: ) was present during the court proceedings.

*Photo Caption – Purported plane flying close to collapsed SCOAN building.

“I delivered TB Joshua’s message to Jonathan that saved Nigeria”- Ambassador Raphael

Prophet T.B. Joshua

Prophet T.B. Joshua

An Abuja-based politician has made more surprising revelations about the role allegedly played by ‘Prophet’ T.B. Joshua in the historic presidential elections held almost one year ago in Nigeria that saw a peaceful transition of power.

Speaking before a packed congregation at The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) in Lagos, Ambassador Raphael Horsfall explained how Joshua revealed the outcome of the elections to him several weeks prior to the actual vote.

“He told me categorically that I should go and tell Mr President that it is too late, that nothing can be done, that we will lose the election but God will prevail on the peace of Nigeria,” said Horsfall, who served as a Special Assistant to Prof Rufai Alkali, the Political Advisor of Nigeria’s Former President, Goodluck Jonathan.

“That is why when we lost elections, I was at peace,” Horsfall continued, adding that his visit to The SCOAN came after a meeting with Jonathan and his wife Dame Patience where he suggested they sought ‘spiritual guidance’ from Joshua as the tense time of elections neared.

“Mr President was calm after hearing that word from Prophet T.B. Joshua. Everyone was telling him to annul the election, which he had the power to do, but nobody knew this is actually the reason why His Excellency conceded defeat to the opposition,” Horsfall, who said he is currently a UN ambassador and working with the presidency, continued.

The revelation from the outspoken politician corroborates Joshua’s controversial statement immediately after the election that he had warned Jonathan of his impending loss.

According to a report published in several newspapers, the cleric said ‘God’ spoke to him with a message for Mr. Jonathan that whatever the outcome of the election, his regime had come to an end and his concession of defeat would ‘save the lives of millions’.

Ambassador Raphael

Ambassador Raphael

When a presidential aide worshipped at his church, Joshua said he met him and personally relayed the revelation. “Soft landing – that is the language I sent to the president,” he told the congregation the Sunday following the historic elections which saw Muhammadu Buhari ascend to power.

Horsfall explained that his initial encounter with the controversial Nigerian cleric came in 2009 when he was part of a delegation from the Niger-Delta region who sought spiritual solution at The SCOAN to the growing menace of militancy.

“The guidance he gave to us, which we communicated to the then President, His Excellency Umaru Musa Yar-Adua, was what led to the Amnesty Program which Nigerians and the entire people of the region are enjoying presently,” Horsfall revealed.

He implored Nigeria’s current leadership to seek ‘spiritual guidance’ to address the growing economic challenges engulfing the nation.

“This is not time for religious sentiment, nor is it a time for ethnic sentiment,” Horsfall passionately counselled.

“This is a time to build Nigeria. In building a strong, united Nigeria – we need God. God has blessed us with a man that speaks to God and hears from Him directly. Why is it that our economy is crumbling and we are still folding our hands? Let us come to inquire of the Most High God what we should do.”

Horsfall was also quick to quash any insinuations that money was exchanged with Joshua by politicians during the election period. “Someone who tells you that nothing can be done – will he ask you to bring anything?”

Ihechukwu Njoku is a freelance Nigerian journalist currently in Lagos, Nigeria.

Nigerian Government reaction: The SCOAN Vs the Arabian Pilgrim saga

What a world of catastrophe…! I sometimes wonder why men do not co-exist peacefully without experiencing misfortunes and tragedies. It is so ironic indeed that even when one choose to remain a peace maker, trouble will still come and knock at one’s door. As at the month of September last year, 2015, there were two major heartbroken incidents that happened in Saudi Arabia- the Crane crash and Stampede which led to the death of many Islamic pilgrims. Nigerians were not left out among those that lost their live in both incidents. Prominent citizens from that country even a traditional ruler (Emir) was among those that lost their life as a result of the crane crash and stampede that happened at Mecca and the Jamrat Complex (Stoning site) respectively in Mina, Saudi Arabia. It should be of note also that last two year in the same month of September 12th 2014 there was a similar incident in Nigeria which was the building collapse that occurred at the premises of the Synagogue Church of all Nations (SCOAN) that led to the death of a number of visiting pilgrims to the church.

pilgrimage Victims of the Stampede at Mina, Saudi Arabia

pilgrimage Victims of the Stampede at Mina, Saudi Arabia

Fallen Crane at Mecca

Fallen Crane at Mecca

So far so good, it is obvious that the Nigerian government has taken the Saudi Arabian tragedy in good faith, they have seen the incidents as an act of God. And I really applaud this show of maturity by the government for taking this issue as the will of God, unlike others that would have wanted to cause much controversy due to this unfortunate tragic incident that may end up creating a diplomatic-war between the Nigerian government and the Saudi Arabian government.

In Nigeria, it is unfortunate that the level of maturity the government is using to handle the Arabian incident has not been the same way they are handling the Synagogue case. There has been a bone of contention between the Nigerian Government and the ministry of SCOAN on the actual cause of the unfortunate incidence, unlike that of Saudi Arabia that even up till now a number of the Nigerian victims can’t be accounted for.

SCOAN Collapse building

SCOAN Collapse building

Statistics has shown that the number of people that died in the Arabian crane crash and stampede of which many Nigerian prominent citizens lost their lives is more than the victims of the SCOAN building collapse. This is not really about the comparison; for sure life is precious, one life that is lost is as valuable as a thousand lives that are lost. The point is that, ‘why is the Nigerian government handling that of the Arabian in a very compromising way yet, chose to add more pains to that which affected their own’.

Why do Nigerians keep washing their dirty linens outside? Why do they cease to remember those who dry them up when it rains and provide shelter to the homeless? The government actions seem biased towards the probing of the SCOAN incident. They are busy finding irrelevant facts about the incident even when they are aware of the fact that the ministry of Prophet T.B. Joshua, has been of great economic benefit to the country. SCOAN has presented itself as a huge source of financial, social and even moral value to the nation of Nigeria. Even at one time the then Nigerian president Umaru Musa Yar’adua (of blessed memory) gave an outstanding award to the Prophet as the Officer of the Order of the Federal Republic (OFR) of Nigeria, due to his ministry’s benevolence towards its citizens and also as the highest recorded immigrant of other countries into Nigeria, which has greatly affected the nation’s economy positively. Dear Nigerians, why bite the finger that fed you well? As the saying goes in the Holy Bible, a prophet is never honored in his country. READ MORE

Just/ Unjust: Is the SCOAN Building Verdict really Legitimate?


Prophet T.B. Joshua

It calls for alarm how disturbing legitimacy is becoming slowly ruled out in cases that are legally constituted. Legitimacy as we all know is an acceptable standard that is socially, morally and ethically held in high esteem; it is what the people accept as reasonable and in other views, legitimacy means citizens full support or recognition of a government. In a democratic setting, a law can be said to be legitimate if it has an overwhelming support from majority of the people that are directly affected by that law. However, that has not been in the case of the SCOAN building collapse, for it may interest us to know that until date, the SCOAN building collapse case has not been given a legitimate view despite the fact on ground and plead by the people.

It is well known that since the collapsed SCOAN guest house issue has been lingering, the verdicts that have so far been given by the authority have not been in SCOAN’s favor. In all of these, the ministry of SCOAN and some independent professional investigators have insisted that the authority should not hold on to their one-sided view on what they think is behind the cause of the collapse guest house, but should equally consider these facts that are on ground. If indeed the authority is searching for the truth, why would the government that is recognized as a powerful institution not concern themselves with these acute evidences?

For all these aforementioned evidences tendered and the suspicions generated due to the way and manner the building collapsed, it brings about the question; how legitimate is the hasty verdict of the Lagos State government and its coronal inquest? If the authority continues to ignore these sensitive evidences, what then is the essence of legitimacy in our social structure? For It is no news how majority of the bereaved families affected by the incident are insisting that the facts which the ministry of SCOAN and other experts have brought out should be adequately considered by the government but they have paid deaf ears to this.

The fact is that if the authorities continue to ignore these disturbing evidences/reports from the SCOAN and other independent professionals, the people will never take the government seriously. This is one of the reasons why no matter the level of indictment placed on SCOAN by the authorities, it will not affect T.B. Joshua’s reputation in the eyes of the world; for the Ministry of Prophet T.B. Joshua will continue to grow from ‘height to height’. The verdict from the coronal inquest will remain illegitimate and can’t be taken seriously by well-minded people until the government answers these heart-provoking questions. For if the authority continues to act on such one-sided verdict it will continue to be seen as persecution or witch-hunt and not justice. How can a ministry which has contributed tremendously to the Nigerian economy, boost her international image and help many of her citizens not be granted a chance of freedom/ fair hearing by the nation’s authority? Well, the freedom of man is from God.

If the authority claims to be fair and just, let us be reminded of the DANA and SOSOLISO air crash. Is it still heard till date? Was it continuously hampered on? Where are the human rights activists who claimed to fight for the rights of the bereaved? Why have they not called the government to order after they had dubiously ‘swept these cases under the carpet’? Why the consistent lingering of the Synagogue case, if there is no ulterior motive? If not, in fair cases both parties are heard and evidence provided are intelligently scrutinized and investigated in order to give a fair and legit statement which will have no traces of bias. As Christians, we know we are in the world but not part of it, everything we do as Christians will always irritate the world, know this! “A friend of God is an enemy of the world” this clearly shows and proves that God is with Prophet T.B. Joshua in his mature disposition of his actions, silence and behavior towards the bias, criticism, unjust and abusive language of the authorities.

Isn’t it obvious that the ministry in question keeps growing from strength to strength and the world acceptance keeps increasing? The Prophet is still accepted in other countries even when the government verdict has not been in his ministry’s favor. The clamor of other nations still lingers, calling on Prophet T.B. Joshua to hold a crusade and possibly establish a branch of his ministry in their nations. If I may recount, the Sunday before the 31st night 2015, T.B. Joshua sent an evangelist to read his message to the congregation appealing to brethren all over the world not to come around during the 31st night that they should all stay in their various homes/countries and watch Emmanuel TV. This shows the rate, esteem and value that people still have for this man of God and this exposes that the verdict of the government might be LEGAL BUT NOT LEGITIMATE (that is, it lacks the acceptable social, moral and ethical standard by well-minded people) I bet, if T.B Joshua is imprisoned innocently today, that will not stop people all over the world from accessing his ministry like the case of Jesus Christ which was even worse, yet He is worshipped, honored and even regarded as the savior of the world till date.

It is true that the coronal inquest was set up by a legally recognized body but their verdict is still illegitimate. The world is not ignorant of the fact that wicked people can use the instrument of the state to perpetrate injustice. Why can’t our government come to the realization that they are there to serve the people? So how on earth will the judgment by the authority against the SCOAN ministry hold water when they have not done what is legitimate (carrying out a proper investigation on the evidence provided)? Let’s ask ourselves; why do enlightened minds of various strata still come from far and wide down to Nigeria to attend the SCOAN Sunday service? Do we think people of the world are so dull that they cannot detect a gimmick from a man who we claim is not learned? It is no news that the incident was tragic but notwithstanding, it never came between TB Joshua and God.

I leave you with these and let God be the judge of all matters here on earth and in heaven.


Luke 17:1b-Woe unto him through whom they come

Prophet T.B. Joshua

From the genesis of creation to this present generation, there has been a common, rampant and general epidemic which has eaten into the fiber of our everyday relationship and no one is free from this, in spite of whom we are and rank/status we occupy in the society. This malady is present in every society, culture, race, tradition and religion. This common trap or deception used by the devil is known as OFFENCE. According to Luke 17: 1 “Then said he unto the disciples, it is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!” This implies that no matter whom we are, we must be offended, that is, offense must come; For It is impossible to live life without having the time and opportunity to be offended; it is not a question of opportunity to be offended but what your response will be. We should at all times forgive our offenders because Satan knows if our offences are not properly managed it can lead us to sin, that is we should let go of offence. Offence is the effective instrument used by Satan to blind us in our present condition, it is the use of negative words that registers in the heart of the offended, offence is not deadly but feeding on it in our heart makes it deadly. This could come in form of temptations because Satan uses our weaknesses as a bait to tempt us.

When Jesus Christ said on the cross of Calvary “Father Forgive Them”, the word “them” in this statement means both the offenders (those who crucified Him) and the offended (those who were hurt by his crucifixion and nursed the offence in their heart). Those who were offended due to the way Christ was unjustly treated by the people equally sinned just as those that were responsible for His crucifixion. Christ knew on the cross of Calvary that those who were for Him had unconsciously sinned by nursing offence in their heart, then, He quickly prayed to the Father to forgive them – the offender and offended. Offence is not yet a sin when it comes to the mind of the offended until it is nursed and fed upon, therefore making the offender and offended fall into this common trap. Focusing on ourselves is an effective instrument used by Satan to blind us on our present conditions, making us to question God: “why me of all this accusation and disappointments?” We automatically forget the reality of our condition.

Readers might want to question the essence of this write up but we ought to be conscious of the fact that this is an era of temptation. The devil and his cohorts are working effortlessly to make us fall short of God’s glory. This goes specifically to the sympathizers of the Synagogue Church of all Nations (SCOAN), the family of the deceased in particular and the world at large that we should not get offended over what Prophet T.B. Joshua and his ministry are going through in the hands of their adversaries, thereby falling into sin; for it is a deceptive trap of the devil. We should never allow offence/hatred get hold of us because of the unjust judgment from the authorities and the uncalled criticism levied against the Prophet because if we do, we are as much of a sinner as those who criticize and indict the Prophet. We must let go of offence! Offence is very common due to lack of real love. We have almost come to believe that it is a way of life, the truth is our life is centered on how we are doing, feeling, and being treated for it is not all about us but JESUS.

The man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua clearly understands this that is why he does not get offended nor react negatively when people criticize and accuse him without concrete fact and evidence. The Prophet was attacked (The SCOAN guest house building collapse), which was a trap from the devil to make him nurse offence in his heart, but as we all know, the Prophet is far from being offended but the scripture makes us understand that curse (woe) be unto those through whom the offence (attack) comes.

Unlike the authorities handling the case of the collapsed guest house at the SCOAN premises, the Prophet has neither abused nor threatened anyone because he knows these are traps from the devil to make him nurse offence thereby sin against God. When we concentrate or focus on what people do to us, we would end up losing focus on how to handle the situation or condition we find ourselves. Offence acted upon in the heart make one worry about what people do and this cripples our ability to think and exercise faith properly in our present condition. In other words, we cannot think of loving/hating, and think of destroying/caring for others at the same time.vlcsnap-2015-12-31-12h35m52s236

When we apply this principle in our daily routine, we would find out that it is easier to let go of offence rather than nursing it in our hearts. Let us cite the story of Joseph and his brothers; if Joseph was unwilling to forgive the atrocities committed against him by his people, he could have not found himself in the position to aid them during the famine period; for he could not have hated and saved at the same time. Another biblical example concerning offence is cited in the book of Job; if Job had nursed the offence because of his friends’ ridicule and accusations against his faith as a result of his illness and misfortune, God would not have restored his lost wealth and health.

Offence is a common trap or deceptive measure that Satan uses to lure us into sin in order to rob us of our true Son-ship as children of GOD. Hence, this means that it is only when we feed on offence in our heart that it becomes deadly because whatever we conceive in our heart with time, metamorphosis and influences our habits and character in reality. An offence not properly handled can make a Christian possess or produce the fruit of the flesh according to Galatians 5:19-21.

Pray and say after Prophet T.B. Joshua“By the authority in the name of Jesus, I release you from all hurts! I release you from deep hurts! I release you from whatever caused by offence- bitterness, jealousy, anger, pain in the past be released, in the name of Jesus Christ!!!! I command that spirit, every spirit offence might have caused in your life- jealousy, hatred, anger, inferiority, resentment, strifes, outrage. I release you, in the name of Jesus! Be released, in the name of Jesus! In Jesus Christ’s name I pray. Amen!!!”

Re: The Dangerous Lies of TB Joshua, By Ebenezer Obadare

It is so ironic and hits me as a shocker when I find out that in this modern age, enlightened minds still choose to dwell in unexamined and preposterous facts. It saddens me when I come to realize how critics can become so desperate to dig out dirt from a pure terrain. So many writers today come into the www world to spread lies and words that have no basis using normative statements instead of empirical approach that has proof and concrete evidence. As Christians or as responsible humans, we are to carefully examine situations before dragging innocent individuals to the dirt or staining one’s reputation just for mere attention. I pity the educational sector of today, it has gotten to the extent that some so-called professors and associate professors write so lamely using trial and error means, presumptions (that is, what they hear and how they feel concerning issues).

The SCOAN building collapse happened since a year back, but some individuals make it seem like it occurs daily. I am not trying to say that the victims who lost their lives are meaningless, I am just saying that as a nation I really think that we are matured and have gotten to a point where we have to let go the thoughts of tragedy.

 Ebenezer Babatunde Obadare- Associate Professor

Ebenezer Babatunde Obadare Associate Professor

Contrary is the case for Ebenezer Obadare who claims to be an associate professor in the University of Kansas. The so called associate professor still keeps dwelling in done and dusted issues which have so far been known to be fabricated. This makes one ask the question; how can a writer with such status still rely on falsifications? The answer is simply that the world is unbecoming. Most of the issues raised by this writer have already been addressed in previous articles: Building Collapse: Five (5) Spurious Lies against T.B Joshua’s Ministry.

Ebenezer Obadare Quotes: “The Egbe, the planning committee, and the alleged Dr. Adewunmi are, in all probability, the same person- yes, you guessed right, T.B. Joshua himself; and if you have been debating whether or not Pastor Joshua is worthy of such an award, then, sadly, you have fallen to his gimmick, which is to deflect attention away from his ongoing legal battle with the Lagos state government.”

The question is, how ethical can it be that the renowned Yoruba group Egbe Omo Oodua Parapo (1945) a group that was among those that advocated for Nigerian independence connived with Prophet T.B Joshua to manufacture an award for himself In order to deflect attention from his ongoing legal battle with the Lagos state government when he was clearly not swayed by previous prestigious awards that were given to him which includes the pan-Yoruba media outlet Irohin-Odua as the Yoruba man of the decade, the Arewa award from the northern part of Nigeria as the Ambassador of Peace and the OFR award of the Federal Republic of Nigeria presented by the late Nigerian President Umaru Musa Yar’adua (of blessed memory). All these prestigious awards of the past did not influence the one sided verdict of the coronal magistrate, why can one feel that the recent award from Egbe Omo Oodua Parapo will…?

Let us not be over shadowed with hatred for the man of God, let God’s will be done concerning this case and not trying to add more pain to the wounds of those who lost their loved ones.

As for the alleged N50, 000 naira bribe, it is not new in the kind of society we live today; anything can be done to ruin the image of a man. A journalist known as Mr. Nicholas Ibekwe, went online telling the world that he has a record of Prophet Tb Joshua bribing press men with N50, 000 each, but after listening to the audio tape it was proven absolutely wrong by other journalists and the public. If Ebenezer Obadare, properly listened to the record with an unbiased mind, he would have discovered that the statement of Tb Joshua on that record had nothing to do with bribery. Would one deliberately ill-expose oneself in the public? Both the presentation of the cash and his statements were done in the open, simply because he had no hidden agenda concerning this case. TB Joshua never bribes! It is obvious that the obsessed journalist was simply making a big deal out of the generosity of the Prophet. People of the world, let’s not out of hatred persecute ourselves, in spite of status, religion, race, educational background, etc…. Be your brother’s keeper.

Ebenezer Obadare also ridiculously stated that: “Pastor TB Joshua has spent a lot of money trying to get away with plain murder.” As an associate professor the meaning of the word ‘murder’ should be clear to a person of that caliber by now; according to the Cambridge dictionary, it clearly states that murder is intentionally killing a person. In previous updates on the building collapse issue which this professor failed to research on was clearly analyzed and so far proven from the scene of the incidence that the building collapse was controlled and not as a result of structural failure. But all these points are already known even when the Lagos State Government and its coronal inquest insists that it is as a result of structural failure giving a blind eye to facts that proves contrary. It is surprising that some writers publish articles without proper research and come to a conclusion without updating themselves. So how on earth can a man of God be responsible for the collapse of a building that there is no sign of crack or stress on the foundation? How can a man that heals the sick with the help of the Holy Spirit, helps the poor and positively contributes to his country’s economy kill his own pilgrims?

Let us be rational…….! As you read this article, ponder over each statement and you would find out that the problem is in reality coming from unreliable sources and unenlightened writers with dubious titles and self-bent insinuations.